Making the Minerals shine

Photographing minerals is an art of its own. The photos of my minerals were mostly taken by well-known photographers in the business such as Albert Russ, Malte Sickinger, Benjamin DeCamp, Jeff A. Scovil, Thomas Spann, Joaquim Callen, Federico Picciani, Anton Watzl Sr., Paul Rustemeyer, Joe Budd, Mark Mauthner, Andreas Schmid, Martin Gruell, Olga Kaspera, Mia Dixon and Laszlo Kupi  ... 


Capturing the beauty of minerals in high-quality photography has always intrigued me a lot. I started my own mineral photographing journey in 1992, making more mistakes than things right at the beginning. Over time, I picked up hints and tricks from the pros in the trade, and after more "learnings upon fails" myself, I have recently started to photograph my minerals myself again. Mastering light, reflections and color temperatures based on decent equipment, focus stacking and postprocessing the raw shots in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, and last not least: time and focus. It takes many disciplines all together in order to achieve an optimal result.


After all, collecting beautiful photos of my specimens - regardless whether they are done by others or myself - has turned into a passion of its own.

Below you find a small selection of fine photographs of specimens from 
The Wildfang Collection®.

Click on any of the images below in order to start the slide-show ... or watch the video clip further down the page.

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The Wildfang Collection of Fine Minerals © 2022