OMG - Online Museum Guide
Where have all the labels gone?
Once you are in the Museum you will be offered the option of accessing the Online Museum Guide (OMG) using a QR-code available for easy scanning with your mobile phone.
The guide provides useful information for each specimen in a specific show-case. Just choose the number of your desired case (You find this in its upper left corner). Next, you will be shown a
photo-wall of all specimens in that particular case. By selecting one of the photos you will be presented all information for this specimen. You can even use simple links (marked with blue tags) to
retrieve additional information from on the mineral or the location. This is a big step-up from the old labels and takes the Museum into the digital age.
In short, you can visit the Museum all by yourself and find the most updated information on what you are looking at - virtually at your fingertips.